WEEK 11: The Terror

In the past century, development all over the world has progressed so rapidly it’s hard to keep track of the eras being experienced in other nations. While the 90s in the Western World was modernized and relatively safe, parts of Latin America were still frequently experiencing barbaric levels of terror and violence. I imagine it must have been surreal to live in something equating to a war zone when one of your closest national neighbors is experiencing a different chapter of their own history.

The case of Peru is yet another example of the pursuit of democracy gone wrong. New democracy after independence is fragile and easily dismantled by a well-timed military dictatorship or other often violent method of takeover. I thought that this quote from Fujimori’s 1992 Declaration of the Autogolpe” is indicative of how governmental power was able to be abused ; “justice is just a commodity sold to the highest bidder”. When this is the reality of who exercises power, disregard for civilian lives and well being and can run rampant, as was seen in these regions, Government institutions can “rot” – and encourage corruption and violence as means of gaining profit and power.

The words of the sister of the Cantuna victim were heart wrenching. Having to fear something like a military death squad in your nation is a level of fear nobody deserves to live through, let alone facing someone responsible for the senseless killing of a family member. Power dynamics in this time affected so many lives, and it was what she calls “false power” only acquired by utilizing violence and fear. She believes true power stems from an ability to create, not destroy. This parallels the repeated theme of Latin America’s quest for democracy and peace, and often reverting  back to brutality and violence. This helps me to understand the complicated relationship Latin Americans have with their country, historically and in their daily lives.

One thought on “WEEK 11: The Terror

  1. Hi! I really liked how you connected what was going on in Latin America to countries like Canada or the USA because I think it helps remind us of certain privileges that we have. You also brought up a good point regarding justice as a commodity for those in power which is terrible because it only brings suffering for the people.


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